In these couple of days my mind was really on full capacity with work to finish on time and not to do any overtime and indeed I did not have to stay longer on any day :) but this also meant that I did not have to think about other things while I was at work at least.
Basically, I signed up for the mentor programme at uni as I heard lots of good stuff about it from the past year, so I really wanted it to happen! It could open up so many doors, offer help for uni stuff and worklife too! Last week we had the training which was useful and interesting and we were told there was super high demand but we would all get to know whether we were paired up with a mentor or not. And finally today I received the email...well it started with the high demand etc, so thought maybe it's a no, but then with a U-turn they informed me that I AM IN! I got a mentor! Now I have another reason to look forward to the weekend and celebrate!
Are you guys looking forward to it as well? We will visit the Annual Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition at the Natural History Museum and then go for dinner with one of my uni friends. This time it will be Ottolenghi! Yummy!
And besides all, as the temperature from Monday's 19 degrees really dropped down to like 9 combined with wind and rain, you need a warmer coat! Although, I got the this coat last year, from my dad, (isn't he cool to buy presents like this for me? ), I have not really worn far, but military and khaki is still in trend these days, so I think it's time to take it from the hanger and put it on me to keep me warm!
Have you seen the Nordic series 'The Bridge' with Saga Noren? Yes did you realise she wore a long khaki coat all the time...I even dare to say that her style may have inspired some of the designers, and anyway I think it looked pretty awesome, so when I tried this on I fell for it! It's a bit longer than my usual coats and it really gives, I don't want to say confidence again, but you feel strong in it! Like a general with the antique style golden-copper buttons and believe it or not, this industrial and fierce coat is super trendy with a much softer bag like the one on me by Mary Katrantzou. Yes, even the colours are great together! And I think the background is awesome as well! Being on a roof! Being on top of everything with gorgeous views over London! :)
♥ ♥ ♥
[In Hungarian]
Az egyetemen feliratkoztam egy mentor programba, aminek mult het kedden volt az elso trening-bemutatkozo megbeszelese. Ez az egesz arra valo, hogy el mondtuk, hogy merre szeretnenk elhelyezkedni a jovoben, diplomazas utan es addig is minden honapban talalkozunk ezzel az illetovel, aki mindenfele professzionalis embernek mutat be bennunket, segit peldaul a disszertacioban es esetleg meg melot is szerezhet. Szoval JO HIR! Ossze lettem parositva valakivel! Mostmar csak azon kell gondolkoznom, hogy vajon melyik cegtol lehet ez a valaki. Vicces volt, mert eleg lehangoloan indult az email, magyarazva kb fel oldalon keresztul, hogy mennyire sokan jelentkeztek, de aztan eles kanyart veve egy 'De' utan irtak, hogy kaptam valakit! Szoval meg egy ok, hogy unnepeljunk a hetvegen!
Ha mar hetvege, mi a tervetek? Mi megnezzuk az eves Termeszetfoto Kiallitast a Termeszetrajzi Museumban, aztan elmegyunk vacsizni az Ottolenghibe (ez egy etterem aki a sefrol lett elnevezve, es a sef pedig arrol hires, hogy mindenfele izeket osszekavar, amirol mi azt gondolnank, hogy semmi jo nem szulethet belole es a vegeredmeny megis egy finom csoda), ahova mar oly regota vagyok!
Na de ezek mellett ma egy szuper katona zold kabatot hoztam nektek! Mivel a homerseklet a hetfoi 19 fok ota 9 fokra csokkent ami raadasul meg esovel es szellel is tarsul, nem kellemes csak egy atmenetei kabatban. Es igaz, mar tavaly kaptam ezt a kabatot a fateromtol (hat nem tok jo, hogy ilyen ajandekokat vesz?), meg nem tul gyakran hordtam mert idokozben de most kezdek kevesebb lenni, ezert leakasztottam a fogasrol es kineveztem idei telikabatnak :) es a legjobb, hogy ez a stilus iden is nagyon hodit!
Lattatok 'A Hid' cimu sved-dan sorozatot? Aki szereti a krimit es hogy agyon izgulja magat az nezze meg mindenkeppen! Szoval abban a filmben is a foszereplo csajnak hasonlo stilusu kabatja van...meg azt is megkockaztatom, hogy a sorozat sikere ihlette a tervezoket ezzel a kabat stilussal. Szoval amikor meglattam a Bershkaban, akkor kb beleszerettem, es meg csak draga sem volt 16000 forintert. Ezekkel az antikolt hatasu aranyos-bronzos gombokkal pedig olyan, mintha valami tiszteletet parancsolo tabornoke lenne. Nem akarom megint azt modnani, hogy onbizalmat ad, de megis valahogy erosnek erzed magad benne, es hiszitek vagy sem, ez a vagany katonai kabat szuperul kombinalhato sokkal lagyabb kiegeszitokkel, mint peldaul a Mary Katrantzou gorog divattervezo rozsaszin taskajaval is, ahogy a kepeken lathatjatok is. Es mit szoltok a hatterhez? A varos tetejen! Az epuletek kozott es felett! :) Nagyon cool!
♥ ♥ ♥
Shirt with Foxes - George
Molly High Rise Jeans/Jeggings - River Island ~ £40.00
Tan Leather Chunky Block Heeled Boots - Topshop, similar here.
Bag - Mary Katrantzou
All my make is from MAC - Lipstick Matte Lady Danger and Longlastic Eyeliner
Molly High Rise Jeans/Jeggings - River Island ~ £40.00
Tan Leather Chunky Block Heeled Boots - Topshop, similar here.
Bag - Mary Katrantzou
All my make is from MAC - Lipstick Matte Lady Danger and Longlastic Eyeliner
All photos were taken by Emma Oba.
♥ ♥ ♥
Beleszerettem a kabátodba:) és valóban nagyon szép a háttér is!
ReplyDeleteKoszi! Van ebben az evben is hasonlo a Bershkaban! :) Vasarnap probalok, hozni egy posztot csak ilyesmi kabatokkal, hatha tudsz valogatni :) es Koszi hogy elovastad a cikket :) Puszi!
DeleteNagyon klasszak a képek Iza!
ReplyDeleteKoszonom szepen! :)